Sunday, 29 May 2011



Do i cry so much?

can i not help and know the right thing to do?

cant i just go to the D?

why is the world soooooo shit? if it's so full of lovely people, where are they???

why dont my cakes turn out like i hoped they would?

why me?

why her?

why us?

why am i crying ... again?

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Not how my Sunday should really be...

Hello Sunday

Really good to see you, it's been a while ...

However, it would've nice of you to sprinkle a bit of Sunday magic on my children too!

As today is day 2 of a migraine i reeeeeeally could have done with a break from #4 refusing LOUDLY to get his poo filled nappy changed, #3 whining cause she cant find 1. school bag 2. my pet dolphin DS game 3. the crumpets 4. her slippers 5. her own backside????? *note to self, fit GPS tracking to ANYTHING #3 may ever possibly need ever again in her life so that she can find it without needing to be banging on the toilet door while i am on the other side of it* AND from #2 and her memory loss and general toddler strops. #1 made me coffee and cleaned the kitchen ... she isn't #1 because she did this and was the only one of my 4 babies to show me kindness when my head feels like it contains a medicine ball... but because she is my first born ...

Sunday you usually bring me a lie in... if only 'til 8:30 and a little less stress than on a school day when its like Piccadilly circus on tryhexyphenidyl here ...

Sundays should include some if not all of the following

day trips
catch ups

So, to conclude ... my first ever blog post was written whilst in pain and in pain ... *hmmm i must be in more pain than i though as iv written it twice* ... in pain and grumpy ...

It can only get better ...
Love Ellie Xx